Encouraging Biodiversity and Invertebrates In Victoria

Encouraging Biodiversity and Invertebrates In Victoria

We have recently been enjoying the sights and sounds of Victoria in the heart of London, and the smells of Wagamama‘s cooking while we work to encourage biodiversity through plant enhancement and wildflower planting on the iconic restaurant’s green space terrace roof.

Encouraging Biodiversity and Invertebrates at Wagamama VictoriaIn addition the introduction of habitat incidentals such as sand piles, stone mounds and log piles is also attracting invertebrates to the area. We make bee hotels from scratch (see main image) providing solitary bees with a place to make their nest.

We also installed sparrow and bat boxes to encourage a wide range of wildlife to the centre of London.

The end result is a multi-functioning green roof in the heart of London focused on encouraging biodiversity.Encouraging Biodiversity and Invertebrates in Victoria London

Encouraging Biodiversity and Invertebrates in London Batbox