Living roof for Baker Mckenzie Offices
We were awarded the contract to install a living roof for one of the world’s top law firms Baker Mckenzie.
We were tasked with working on a slabbed patio area adjacent to the meeting rooms to create a functional attractive green space.

Slabbed area before we started
This was a particularly challenging project as we had to transfer all of the materials to the roof area via the goods lift and through the offices internally causing as little disruption (and mess!) as possible.
We framed the roof with a proprietary edge trim and installed drainage components. We then added the substrate at varying depths.

Substrate, crushed slate and pea shingle
Once plug planted, we added a contrasting blinding of crushed slate and pea shingle to give the roof an added element of interest and texture.
We have created an attractive, sustainable living roof that the staff and visitors will hopefully enjoy for years to come.

Plug plants added